The Australian Beverages Council has created this page for members and other stakeholders to find useful information related to COVID-19 and the industry’s response.

Members looking for the most recent health guidelines should visit the Member Portal for industry specific advice.

Sanitiser Supply for ABCL Members

14 May 2020:

Media release from the Federal Attorney General

Transcription of door stop by Leader of the Opposition

Transcription of press conference with Prime Minister

Federal Parliamentary Sittings 2020 – Updated 14 May 2020

Media release from Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash on ABS labour force figure for April


1 May 2020:

Statement on the update on Coronavirus measures

National Principles for the resumption of sport & recreation activities

AHPPC – Precedent conditions to relaxation of restrictions

AIS Framework for rebooting sport

Transcript of the press conference by the Prime Minister with Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck, and Chief Medical Officer, Dr Brendan Murphy


21 April 2020:

Media Statement from the Deputy Prime Minister and the Federal Treasurer in regards to Virgin Australia

The Transcript of Deputy Prime Minister and the Federal Treasurer Press Conference

Media Release from Senator Michaelia Cash in regards to the expanded support for mature aged job seekers 

The Prime Minister’s statement- Update on Coronavirus measures

Transcript of the press conference with the Prime Minister


National Cabinet, 16 April 2020:

Prime Minister’s Statement: Update on Coronavirus Measures

Access the latest mapping from the Department of Health here


Australian Government Statement. Tuesday, 7 April 2020:

Prime Minister’s Statement: Update on Coronavirus Measures

National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct – SME Commercial Leasing Principles During Covid-19


Impact of COVID-19: Theoretical modelling of how the health system can respond

Covid-19 ICU Modelling Summary


Australian Government Announcement 2 April 2020:

Transcript: Press Conference. Australian Parliament House, ACT. Thursday 2nd April 2020

Joint Media Release from the Prime Minister and the Federal Minister for Education

Media Release from the Deputy Prime Minister: Australians must get lower prices at the bowser

New Jobs Hub highlighting job opportunities for Australians


National Cabinet Statement 29 March 2020:

National Cabinet Statement

Transcript: Press Conference. Australian Parliament House, ACT. Sunday 29 March 2020

Media Release. Sunday 29 March 2020

Initiatives, Advocacy & Information

The Australian Beverages Council has been the leading peak body representing the non-alcoholic beverages industry…

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Environmental Sustainability Roadmap to 2030 (ESR30)

  The Environmental Sustainability Roadmap to 2030 (ESR30) is a new initiative developed by the…

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COVID-19 Information

The Australian Beverages Council has created this page for members and other stakeholders to find…

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Sugar Reduction Pledge

Fifth progress report, 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2022 Australia’s leading non-alcoholic beverage companies…

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In June 2018, the Australian Beverages Council announced a pledge that saw the non-alcoholic beverage…

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In June 2018, the Australian Beverages Council announced a pledge that saw the non-alcoholic beverage…

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Container Deposit Schemes

The Australian Beverages Council is heavily involved in the development and implementation of Container Deposit…

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Australian Capital Territory

The ACT Container Deposit Scheme (ACT CDS) encourages ACT residents to reduce litter and the…

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New South Wales

The NSW Container Deposit Scheme, Return and Earn, commenced in NSW on 1 December 2017.…

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Northern Territory

The Northern Territory has had a Container Deposit Scheme in place for a number of…

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Queensland’s Container Refund Scheme commenced on 1 November 2018, expanding scope to include wine and…

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South Australia

South Australia's Container Deposit Scheme was introduced in 1977 and has been effective in reducing…

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Tasmania is currently on track to launch a Container Refund Scheme in 2024 [mapblock] The…

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Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme, CDS VIC launched on 1 November, 2023. If you are a…

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Western Australia

The Western Australian Container Deposit Scheme, Containers for Change, launched on 1 October 2020. [mapblock]…

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Marketing & Advertising

Members of the Australian Beverages Council have committed to ensuring that marketing and advertising communications…

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Environmental Responsibility

  The Australian Beverages Council supports the sustainability initiatives of all our Members and we…

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Energy Drinks Commitments

The Australian Beverages Council and members involved in the manufacturing or distribution of energy drinks…

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Sports Drinks and Physical Activity

Electrolyte drinks are regulated by the Food Standards Code. Beverages which are marketed as electrolyte…

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Health Star Rating

The Australian Beverages Council fully supports the Health Star Rating (HSR) system and has been…

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Energy Balance

As an industry that produces a range of non-alcoholic beverages to suit a range of…

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Sugars Labelling

The Australian Beverages Council supports greater understanding of what constitutes a balanced diet in support…

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Dental Health

Good dental hygiene is important for all Australians. Brushing regularly, using fluoride toothpaste and flossing…

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Australian Dietary Guidelines

The Australian Dietary Guidelines (ADGs) provide advice about the amount and kinds of foods that…

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This page is dedicated to generating consumer awareness about some ingredients found in non-alcoholic beverages…

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Labelling Guidance

Nutrition Information Panel (NIP) Australian food regulations require all packaged foods to show a NIP…

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The Australian Beverages Council partners with other organisations on initiatives of mutual importance. Millie was…

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