Non-Alcoholic Beverages Industry Applauds Funded Recycling Projects

Peak industry body representing the $9+ billion non-alcoholic beverages industry.

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Non-Alcoholic Beverages Industry Applauds Funded Recycling Projects

TUESDAY, 18 JANUARY 2022, SYDNEY: The Australian Beverages Council Limited (ABCL) is delighted to acknowledge the 13 new projects funded jointly by the Australian Government’s Recycling Modernisation Fund and the Victorian Government’s Recycling Victoria Infrastructure Fund. Funding these projects demonstrates the Government’s commitment to expanding domestic recycling capacity, something needed if we are to achieve a truly circular economy for plastics and glass.

“As the peak body representing the non-alcoholic beverages industry nationally, the ABCL welcomes grant initiatives which increase domestic recycling infrastructure, create local jobs and prevent materials being sent off-shore for processing. We deeply appreciate the Government’s clear dedication to delivering a quantifiable increase to plastics and glass reprocessing capability in Australia” says ABCL Chief Executive Officer Geoff Parker.

“Our members are constantly on the forefront of being responsible stewards of their materials whether it be through establishing reprocessing facilities, participating in, and promoting container deposit schemes, redesigning packaging in line with the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines or many other industry-leading initiatives. The beverages industry is proud to work hand in hand with federal, state and territory governments to ensure the best outcomes for our communities.”

“To realise the potential of these investments by the government and private sector, it’s critical to ensure that these reprocessed materials are kept within Australia for reintegration into our local circular economy. The beverages industry is working around the clock to source recycled materials to make more containers. If we are to be successful while at the same time keeping prices low for consumers, we will need an economically priced, dedicated local supply of high-quality glass and plastic. By upgrading facilities to ensure materials are reprocessed as food-grade recyclate, we can achieve the National Packaging Targets by 2025 and make a substantial reduction in unnecessary waste going to landfill.”

The ABCL participates in a wide suite of sustainability initiatives including assisting states establish container deposit schemes, participating in several national and international consultation groups, and assisting members achieve their sustainability goals. We are a proud member of the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation and a signatory to the ANZPAC Plastics Pact.

MEDIA ENQUIRIES: Cathy Cook, Head of Corporate Affairs, 0406 399 211,


ABCL Media Release – Recycling Modernisation Fund – 18012022